Monday, July 11, 2011

Deadline Reminder!

Wow! Summer is fading fast, and it's almost time to Fall back into the swing of the school year! The summer reading journal is DUE this FRIDAY!! It is very important that your first assignment is turned in on time! I will be grading them next week, and they will be available for pick up in the office by the end of the week next week. This is your first grade so please make sure you start the year off right! Also, I will be going to purchase school supplies this Wednesday! If you have not paid the fee yet, please do so by Wednesday!

One more thing....please help spread the word about the class blog! I want this to be a resource for all of you, but it is hard when only some of you know about it :) Let's spread the word!

Again, if there are any questions or concerns, please email me at or you can call me at the school at 428-6288.